Mexico Chiapas San Fernando Altura HG EP Organic Fair Trade

Sale price Price $14.25 Regular price Unit price  per 

This coffee is s ourced from family owned farms organized around Sociedad de Producción Rural Unión de Ejidos y Comunidades San Fernando, S.P.R. de R.I., an organization operating in the municipalities of San Fernando, Jaltenango de la Paz, Ocozocoautla, Villa Corzo, La Concordia, Siltepec, Angel Albino Corzo, Bella Vista, Chicomuselo, Montecristo, Amatenango and Tuxtla Gutiérrez within the state of Chiapas, Mexico.  The Sociedad de Producción Rural Unión de Ejidos y Comunidades San Fernando has invested in nurseries to support more than 1,300 farmers to renovate their coffee farms.  The organization is also leading efforts to assist their members to make improvements to their houses, and diversification initiatives such as coffee shops, and training programs to use Vermicompost that uses earthworms to turn organic wastes into very high quality compost.

The cup has notes of citrus, brown sugar, and dark chocolate..Sweet and balanced, with a smooth acidity and a syrupy body . Also available in Dark Roast.

Central American coffees may use the term EP (European Prep) to indicate screen size (15-18), in addition to SHB (Strictly Hard Bean), SHG (Strictly High Grown), or HG (High Grown) to refer to the highest grade of coffee based solely on elevation.

Variety: Bourbon, Catuai, Caturra, Mundo Novo, and Typica

Altitude: 1200-1400 meters

Soil: Clay minerals

Process: Fully washed and dried in the sun